Dr. Joan

About Joan Arbisi Little

Joan Arbisi Little surrounds herself with art, children and civic work. She has experience teaching at the elementary and middle school levels, and change leadership at the graduate level. As an educator, Joan promotes experiential and project based learning, and assessments that include portfolio, standard-based, qualitative and narrative methodology. Joan is a graduate of the University of Minnesota Twin Cities College of Design and the University of St. Thomas School of Education. joan@cpathmn.org

March Conferences


Your voice matters! Conferences Thursday March 1, Tuesday March 6, Thursday March 8 - 3:00 to 7:00 PM. Please contact us to make an appointment with your students' advisor.

Forced Fun Fridays “action shot”


Mr. Akin and students in a game of non-dominate handed baseball. Each Friday afternoon advisories come together for an afternoon of special activities.  Teachers call it "Forced Fun" because some students are hesitant to engage in all-school activities. By calling it Forced Fun, staff acknowledge that students are hesitant (some staff are too!). Activities have

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