Ice Cream Social
Please join Career Pathways School Community for an Ice Cream Social on Tuesday, August 6th from 5 to 7pm ~ National Night Out! Free ice cream treats for Career Pathways families and friends! All are welcome!
Please join Career Pathways School Community for an Ice Cream Social on Tuesday, August 6th from 5 to 7pm ~ National Night Out! Free ice cream treats for Career Pathways families and friends! All are welcome!
Follow this LINK to view, share and download photos from our graduation celebration on June 15, 2019.
Students walked and rode the city bus to visit the Minnesota State Capitol. The tour included a trip to the roof!
Every month students choose a new elective. Art, Science Projects, Basketball, College and Career, and Study Hall are the options this month.
On May 9, 2019 we were recognized for our personalized teaching methods by the Minnesota Association of Charter Schools.
Career Pathways included in three year partnership to create student centered learning environments.
Visit our table at the St. Paul Charter School Fair. We offer students unique experiences that build their future career and work readiness by facilitating internships, dual credit and college coursework. We meet students where they are and build a personalized program that keeps them focused, learning, and in school. We are open to all