September Community News
This issue has data from our annual report, highlights two of our graduates, asks for advocacy, and a lot more. Please follow this link. Thank you!
This issue has data from our annual report, highlights two of our graduates, asks for advocacy, and a lot more. Please follow this link. Thank you!
Our August Community News was just published and can be read at this LINK. School Starts Tuesday at 7:50AM. Please arrive a little early and enter at Door #4 to enjoy breakfast before advisory. See you soon, The Career Pathways Staff
We look forward to seeing you and your family tomorrow. Meet and greet our educators and enjoy a treat!
We look forward to seeing you on Monday, August 14th at our Annual Open House and Ice Cream Social. View the invitation and of July Community News at this Link.
Our June Community News features the Class of 2023, a Community Open House Invitation, program updates, and a lot more…. LINK HERE
Our ALL SCHOOL Ice Cream Social has been scheduled for August 14th from 5:30 to 7:30 PM. SAVE THE DATE!
We just published our May Community News! This issue includes registration information about student opportunities and our summer program. Please follow this link to learn more about what we did this month.
The April Community News includes information about this month's Experiential Learning, a student written comparison, The Hope Survey, our Summer Program and more. Follow this LINK to read it.
Our March Community News invites you to learn about our trip to the University of Minnesota St. Paul Campus, read a student contribution about Women's History Month, and learn about our Summer Program. Please follow this LINK to open the newsletter in your browser.
This month's Community News includes student learning, community partnerships, and asks you to contact your state representative to ask that Charter Schools receive the same state funding as traditional districts for school safety. Follow this link to read the February 2023 news letter. Follow this link to find your representative's contact information. Thank you for